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 •  About Us has been in business since 2002. We carry an incredible selection of printer cartridge products, bulk ink and toner, laser printer cartridges and more. We even have the ribbon required for some impact printers and thermal fax cartridges as well. As a leading distributor of cartridge inkjet printer refills on the Internet, we strive to have the products you need when you need them.

Select your Printer or Cartridge Brand from our Complete Listing:

AB-Dick Abaton ABS Accrodyne
Accufast Acom-Computer Acoma Aculab
ADC Addmaster Adler Adler-Royal
Adlister Admate ADP Advance-Info
Advanced Advanced Matrix Tech Advanced-Comp-Tech Agfa
Alanthus Alcatel Allen Rc ALPS
Alwright-Data AM-International Amano Amerex
American American-Computer American-Datacom AMS
Amstrad AMT Anacom Analog-Tech-Corp
Anderson-Jacobsen Anker-Data-Systems Antares Antex
Anzac Computer Equipment Anzac-Comp-Equipment APF Apollo
Apple Apricot Arba Assmann
Aster Astro Atari ATI
Atil Atlantus Atm ATT
Aurora Axiohm Azurdata
B-and-E Basic-Four Bcl BCT-Computer
Bdp BDS BDT Becks-Import-Inc
Beehive Bell-Telephone Berthold Bestar
Billings Binder Binlock Blue-Chip
BMC-International Bosch Braegen Brandt
Brinlock British-Telecom Brother Bryce
BTI Buero-data Bull Bunker-Ramo
Buro-Actuell Buroring Burroughs-Unisys Busicom
Buskro Butec
C. Itoh C.Itoh Cado Cae
Cal-Abco Calcomp Canon Cardco
Cardentry Cascade Cash-Register Casio
CDC Cdk Global Centronics Centurion
Check-Technology Citizen Comdata Comic
Comko Comlog Commodore Compaq
Compuprint Computer-Machinery-Corp Comstar Comterm
Continental-Peripherals Contitronix Control-Data-Corp Copal
Cope CopyStar Coscom COT
Courier CPG CPT Craden
Creed-Data CRS Ctm Ctsi
Cybernet Cycomm
Daewoo-Teletech Danka Daro Data
Data Terminals Comm. Data-100 Data-Access Data-Card
Data-Dynamics Data-General Data-Printer Data-Royal
Data-Tech Data-Terminal-Systems DataMax DataMega
Datapoint Dataproducts Datasaab Datasouth
Dataspeed Datasym Datatext Datatrol
Datic DDC-Pertec DEC Decimo
Decision-Data Decision-Systems DED Dell
Detecto Detewe Develop DH-Tech
Diablo Diacon Diamond Diebold
Diehl Dietz Dietzgen Digital Matrix
Digital-Associates Digital-Check Digital-DEC Digital-Equipment-Corp
Display-Data DTP-Systems Dyneer
Easiprint ECI EIEN Eient
Elite ELT Encad Epson
Ericsson Escom Esper Esselte
Europrint Everex Evolution-Corp Extel
Facit FAS Fontex-Tech Fortis
Fortronics Four-Phase Francotyp-Postalia Friden-singer
Fuji-Systems Fujitsu
GBT GCC GE General-Automation
General-Teknika Genicom Gestetner Getex
Geveke Gier Gold
Hanimex Haris Harris HASI
Hasler Heath-Data Heathkit Hedman
Hengstler Hennes-Data-Corp Hermes Hewlett Packard
Hi-g Hitachi HOH Honeywell
HP Huntress-Corp Hypercom Hyundai
Imagistics Imperial Incotherm Inforex
Infotec Interface-Systems Interkom International
Intertel IPC ISC Itell
Ithaca ITS-Hasler ITT
Kalamazoo Kardex KDC Kienzle
Kingtron Kodak Kode Kofa
Konic-Electronics Konica Konica Minolta Konica-Minolta
Krone Kyocera Kyocera-Mita
Lanier LaserComp LaserStation Lathem
Leading-Edge Lear-Siegler Lee-Data Levono
Lexmark Linotype Logical Logicon
M-and-S Mael Magnetec-Corp Marconi
Matra Matsushita Matthews Maverick
Max-Electronics MB MBC MBO
Memocopy Memorex Memotech Mercedes
Micro-Plex Microboards Microdata Micros
Microtek Miltope Mimaki Mini-Computer
Minolta Miroku Mirror-Tech Mita
Mitek-Systems Mitsuba Mitsubishi Mitsui
Mohawk Monroe Montgomery-Ward Moore-Business-Forms
Mopier Morrow Motorola Mqi
Mufax Murata-Muratec Muratec Mutoh
Nakajima Nasco Nashuatec National-Computer
NCR NEC NeoPost Neopost-Hasler
Newbury-Data Newgen Nikkam Nikko
Nippon Nixdorf Noblet Norand
Norsk-Data North Atlantic Novell Nrg
Nsa Nurit Nutec
Oasys OCE OCI Okidata
Olivetti Olympia Omnifax Omniprint
Omron Optima Ormig
Pacesetter Packard-Bell Panasonic Panini
Paradyne PCR Personal-Micro Philips
Piracomp Pitney Bowes PitneyBowes PitneyBowes-Imagistics
Plessey Point-Four-Data-Corp Postalia Pragma
Pragmatic-Systems Prime-Computer Printec Printer-Products
Printer-Systems Printex-Formspro Printronix Prism
Qantel QMS Quadient Quantel
Quantum Quen-Data Quotron
Racal-Milgo Radio-Shack Randal Rapid-Print
Raytheon RCA Realtech Rebell
Remanco Remington Remstar Remtor
Rena Reppac ResCashentry Rex
Rex Rotary Rexon Ricoh Ricomac
Riso-Corporation Rocky Roland Roland Sj-540
Rosetta Royal Royal-Alpha Royal-Copystar
Ruben-Corp Ruf Rusco-Electric
Sagem Samsung Sanko Sanyo
Savin Scamp Scanset Schneider
Scribona Sears Secap-USA Seiko
Seiko-Precision Seikosha Sel Selecterm
Selex Sense Sfena Sharp
Shasta Shinsu Siemens Sigma
Silver-Reed Sinclair Smith-Corona Sony
Sord Source-Technologies Southern-Systems Southwest-Data-SYS
Spot Colors (Quick Dry) SRS-Imaging Standard-Register Star
Star-Micronics Stielow Sumitronics Summagraphics
Sun Sweda Swintec Syntrex
Syscom Systema Systex
TAB Talaris-Systems Tally Tally-Genicom
Tandberg Tandem TandN Taylorix
Tca Teal TEC Tectronic
Tei Teknika Tektronix Teleautograph
Telefile Telenorma Teleprinter Teletex
Teletype Televideo Telex Teligen
Telxon Tempest Tesdata Texas-Instruments
Tidel Time-Share Timex Toshiba
Tosho Totalia Towa Transact
Transtar Transtel Tredia Trend
Triad Tricom Trilog Trintech
Tripod Tritel Triton Triumph
Triumph-Adler TROY-Systems TVS-Electronics Two Day
UBIX Unicom Unidata Unisonic
Unisys UNIT Unitrex Unitron
Univac Universal Uniwell UTAX
Vector-Graphics Verifone Versalink Victor
Wallace Walther Wang Weber
Welco Weltron Western Digital Western-Union
Westrex Westrex-International Wincor-Nixdorf Wipro
Wmk Woojin Wordtronix
Xante Xerox Xerox-Tektronix

Trying to find the right printer cartridges at a standard computer or big box store is no easy task. Most only stock the printer ink cartridges that go with the models they presently sell. While you might get lucky if you try out several different locations, a lot of time and even money can be lost in the process. is here to take the hassle out of buying ink refill kits, cartridges and more

When you turn to us for your cartridge laser printer ink, bulk toner and printer toner cartridge needs, you'll see for yourself why we stand above the competition. Our customers keep coming back for more because we:

1) Offer an amazing selection - Our printer cartridges selection is second-to-none. We offer the products you need for hundreds of different printer types including Kodak, Nokia, Omnifax, Packard-Bell, DEX and more. Just browse our brands and you'll see we offer the printer cartridges that standard stores just won't have available.

2) Take your security seriously - At, it is our sincere hope to earn customers for life. To this end, we do everything we can to make your shopping experience enjoyable, safe and secured. Our website is protected by McAfee for your security. Plus, we accept a wide variety of payment options including all major credit cards. If you prefer, you can even mail us a check.

3) Ship fast and affordably - We are very proud of our 99 percent same-day shipping record. When you order a laser printer cartridge, toner refill or another product from us, we will ship it out on the very same business day it's received in most cases. To make shipping even more attractive, we provide this service free of charge for all orders over $45.00. If your order of a printer cartridge isn't this much, our low, flat-fee won't hurt your budget. Our shipping policy is just one of the ways we try to show our customers how happy we are to have their business.

4) Provide a satisfaction guarantee - At, we want our customers to be happy with their purchases. That's why we offer the best guarantee in the business. All of our printer cartridges, toner refill kits and more are covered by a one-year, money-back guarantee. If you are not happy with your purchase, we aren't either.

You can run around from store to store trying to find the right printer cartridges for your machine. If you'd prefer an easier, affordable way to get results faster, just browse our selection. At, we have hundreds of different printer ink cartridges to fit just about every machine imaginable. There's no reason to settle for less when we insist on offering the finest products at the lowest prices.